Discover how to apply lymphatic drainage massage at home and improve your well-being. Learn effective techniques to detoxify your body and relax your mind.
Lymphatic drainage massage is an excellent option to include in your weekly care and health routine. If you've had problems lately related to swelling, infections, fluid retention and even lack of energy, it can be a great ally to naturally remove what your body doesn't need and recharge your batteries.
What are lymph nodes?
They are the fundamental nodes of the lymphatic system, which together with the circulatory system, fulfil a very important function of eliminating toxins and regulating the immune system in the body. We can think of them as the cleansing system that keeps the tissues and blood free of waste that hinders metabolic functions.
The lymph is precisely the fluid that is responsible for mobilizing this waste to the excretory system, so it is essential that the circulation and lymph nodes - responsible for draining and cleaning the lymph - are kept in good working order.
What is lymphatic massage for?
Lymphatic drainage is a technique recommended as an aid in the treatment of various conditions such as:
- Cellulite (because it fights fluid retention)
- Edemas, fluid retention, lymphedema and varicose veins
- Fibromyalgia and pain
- Chronic infections (avoid directly stimulating the area of infection)
- Constipation
- Post-operative inflammation
- Arthritis
- Healing problems
- Acne
- Stress, anxiety and insomnia
- Hypertension
In addition, it promotes relaxation, elimination of toxins, strengthening of the immune system and muscle recovery in high performance athletes. As a cosmetic treatment, it is usually recommended to patients who wish to improve their figure and skin appearance.
Home lymphatic drainage technique
This kind of massage can be done by a professional or with specialized equipment, but it is also possible to apply them manually following some simple instructions to do it in the right way and without any risk to health.
Lymphatic drainage at home stimulates the lymphatic system in a superficial way by means of pressure in strategic points of the body. The most easily accessible nodes are in the neck, underarms, groin, abdomen, and along major blood vessels. It is pertinent to clarify that a very intense or deep stimulation is neither necessary nor recommended; the results should be obtained slowly, precisely and smoothly.
Do it yourself - step-by-step lymph drainage massage
The most important thing to keep in mind when applying lymphatic massage at home is that you should always do it with gentle, repetitive movements in the right direction, that is, the natural direction of the lymphatic vessels towards the nodes and evacuation areas.
Unlike conventional massage, the use of oils or lubricants is not recommended, as they can diminish the control over the pressure we exert on the nodes.
3.- Lymphatic massage is usually performed mainly on the arms, legs and abdomen, but can also be applied to the face. A session of between fifteen and twenty minutes is usually sufficient to adequately stimulate all these areas.
4.- Each zone must be handled in a different direction, making alternating movements of fifteen pressures in two or three repetitions. For example, if we are going to manipulate the legs, we make fifteen upward pressures in one, pass to the other leg, and change until we finish with that area before passing to the next one.
- Lymphatic massage in the arms: It is done from the fingers to the elbows, and from there to the armpits.
- Lymphatic massage of the legs: The movement should be done first from the soles of the feet to the hips, and then from the knees to the groin.
- Lymphatic massage in the abdomen: It starts from the centre of the clavicle and the solar plexus, with diagonal downward movements towards the sides of the abdomen and the kidneys.
- Lymphatic massage of the face: The movements should be made from the central area of the face and the bags under the eyes, towards the sides and the area behind the ears.
5.- When we reach the areas of the neck, the armpits, the groin and the hamstrings, we must carry out an additional series of circular pressures in three different points, in a clockwise direction.
Home lymphatic massage machines
Lymphatic massage using devices is usually referred to as "pressure therapy", and some of these implements are designed for home use. They can be good aids when suffering from any of the above conditions, but they also represent a considerable investment. In normal situations, the manual technique is usually sufficient for the drainage to provide excellent results.
Contraindications of lymphatic massage
Lymphatic drainage, despite its many benefits, has some very clear contraindications, in which case it should never be applied because it could aggravate certain conditions such as
- Cancer (accelerating the process of metastasis)
- Acute infections
- Hyperthyroidism
- Chronic low blood pressure (may cause hypovolemia)
- Heart problems and thrombophlebitis
To rule out any of these conditions and determine that lymphatic massage is a safe option, you should always perform your routine medical checkups.
At Zen To Go we want to see you healthy. That's why we share with you tips and wellness techniques that will help you have a better quality of life. Don't stop sharing them with your loved ones!
If you prefer to be attended by a certified professional in lymphatic drainage massage, very soon you will be able to book your session at home and at the time you choose, in a super easy way with our App. A minimum session of 90 minutes is required for a lymphatic drainage massage to be effective.